Saturday, September 12, 2009

Quick Update

Well, it would seem that a few people would like to live on Cherokee St. Jim and I showed the house 9 times in 10 days and got an offer on the 11th day! Needless to say, we are a little overwhelmed trying to get things in gear for the big move. We are set to close on October 23 (provided that the inspection process goes okay) and will move that Friday. We have a contract on another house so hopefully we can go right from one to the other. Emaline is very excited at the prospect of much more space to learn to crawl in! We will keep everyone posted as to whether it is definitely a go after both inspections are complete.

Emaline now has two bottom teeth and they are just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. We are actively working on crawling, but much like every thing she does it will just have to happen on her own timeline. I have included some pics of her playing in her nursery with her fake food and some I just took a few minutes ago of her with the new toy Grandpa Greg picked up in St. Louis. Fred Bird sings "Take me out to the ballgame" which she thinks is very fun and because he is almost the same size as Emme I think she is under the impression he is another baby! She keeps holding his hand and talking to him (unlike eating him as she does all other toys). Hope everyone else is well!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Oh the places we'll go...

We have decided to try and sell our house FSBO if anyone is interested or knows someone who might be. While we both love this house and the location we really need more space. We figure we will give it a couple of months and if nothing happens then we will stick it out for a couple of years. I created a different site to showcase the house if anyone wants to look or pass it on: The only other news around here is that Jimmy has moved to his new fancy office and is quite busy at work. Also, Emaline is cutting her first tooth and while it is very exciting and quite cute sticking up out of her pink little gums I might lose my mind before it finishes emerging. Hope everyone else is well and out enjoying the unseasonably pleasant weather!