Saturday, February 6, 2010

Emme Update

I have been berated for not posting, so here is a quick update. Emaline has 10 teeth now (most of which cut in the last three weeks). She has been a very good sport about the teething with only minimal sleep issues and fussiness.

She has now been off bottles for a week, making it well before the one-year-old deadline but it was no small effort. For those of you that were around for this transition I apologize, as neither of us was at our personal best. Through some give and take I think that we are well on our way to using "big girl" cups effectively and we have finally returned to the appropriate intake of milk per day.

Jimmy and I tried to get some video of the baby walking, but haven't had much luck (we'll keep trying). She is able to walk by herself between the two of us for a distance of 5-6 feet, but is not quite ready to go it alone otherwise. We are preparing for the big one year event and looking forward to sharing the celebration with our families. It has been a whirlwind year and I can't believe it is already over!

I included a few recent pictures of her around the house helping me in the kitchen and making the bed. Also, a few from open gymnastics day. Talk to you all soon!