Saturday, November 21, 2009

9 months old

Emaline turned nine months old this week and we had her well baby check up yesterday. She is doing great and again Dr. Mai commented on how incredibly healthy Emme is, so we are very blessed. She is still tracking in the 75th percentile for weight, height, and head circumference which is good since she is proportionate. She weighed 20 lbs. 10 oz. and is 28 and 1/4 inches long.

Emaline now has four teeth and the doctor did comment that the top two are quite far apart and we will have to watch that. I am not sure what would be done for a gap in baby teeth, but it does appear that we have braces in our future. She is doing well with feeding herself finger foods using a fist and a pincer grasp. Unfortunately her love of veggies and fruits in pureed form has not carried over to finger foods. Aside from avocado she wants nothing to do with them, but is VERY fond of all carbohydrates. She loves puffs, crackers, wheat bread, etc. In fact, at her doctors appointment she was a good girl for her shots so they gave her animal cookies. She stuffed a whole one in her mouth before we could stop her and ate the whole thing!

We did get Emaline the seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccines as they were available and it felt like the safest thing to do. She was very good about the shots and has shown no side effects at all. They were both the "Kill vaccines" so no live virus to spike a fever, etc.

Emme is doing well developmentally hitting all of the age appropriate markers except one. She is not currently able to go from lying down to sitting. However, once sitting she loves to pull up on whatever is close by and walk around so...a delay in one area, but advanced in others. Dr. Mai advised us to give her plenty of opportunity to work on this skill and make sure that she gets it in the next month or so.

Emaline is still doing a lot of babbling (she has always been very vocal) and we can make out a couple of words, but I am not sure she knows that she is saying anything. She can say "hi" and wave and she will go on a long rant of "mum, mum, mum," but it isn't directed at me. On a side note, I'm not sure where she got the idea that we are British?

The pictures I included are just some silly shots around the house. Emaline having her supper in the nude because we are tired of stains and Emaline learning to do laundry to help get out all the stains!

Overall, we are all doing great and enjoying the company of each other. Jimmy and I will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner at our house and we are looking forward to seeing all of our family at the holiday. To those that can't be with us physically this year we want to say, "We'll miss you and have a great Turkey Day!"

The Ashleys

Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween 2009

Well, Emaline ended up being very fussy on Halloween night due to a lack of sleep and a cutting tooth. Needless to say her monster costume did not stay on long at the Estes' Halloween party. However, she did get plenty of wear in the days leading up to the big night so it was not a loss. The only pictures we have of her though were taken on the Saturday morning of Halloween. Grandma Ginny had plans the rest of the day so she stopped by to see the little monster and thankfully she got some pics.

We also have the proofs back on the family pictures we had taken so we will have those to post soon as well since we bought the digital rights. Stay tuned...

Hope everyone is enjoying their fall festivities and gearing up for the holidays. We are definitely looking forward to them more this year; anticipating the joy of sharing them with our daughter!