Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween 2009

Well, Emaline ended up being very fussy on Halloween night due to a lack of sleep and a cutting tooth. Needless to say her monster costume did not stay on long at the Estes' Halloween party. However, she did get plenty of wear in the days leading up to the big night so it was not a loss. The only pictures we have of her though were taken on the Saturday morning of Halloween. Grandma Ginny had plans the rest of the day so she stopped by to see the little monster and thankfully she got some pics.

We also have the proofs back on the family pictures we had taken so we will have those to post soon as well since we bought the digital rights. Stay tuned...

Hope everyone is enjoying their fall festivities and gearing up for the holidays. We are definitely looking forward to them more this year; anticipating the joy of sharing them with our daughter!

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