Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer Fun

As always it has been way too long since I have made time to post. The summer is going very well at the Ashley house. We have spent quite a bit of time at the lake, making a visit to Silver Dollar City on one of the trips. Emme enjoyed the trip and rode several rides; they were met with pretty stoic stares and even a few tears, but she was willing to try them.
Emaline really enjoys playing in water, be it her baby pool or the lake she is generally entertained and happy. We have spent time in the back yard playing in the pool, even having our cousins Holly and Melody and their four children over to play for an afternoon. Emaline was more interested in watching the older kids run around than actually engaging with them, but it is good for her to spend time with family regardless.
We have also made several trips to the Dickerson Park Zoo. We took our Ashley cousins along a couple of weeks ago and hope they enjoyed it too. Emaline really loves her cousin Autumn and frequently wanted to be held by her. I really enjoy visiting with Ricky and Autumn talking about books, movies, etc. and hope to spend some more time with them this summer (maybe they can help keep me hip).
Jimmy and I took a little trip last weekend for our anniversary. We got to visit a beautiful property on the Current River and enjoy some great time outdoors. Thanks again to Genesis and Chris for taking care of Emaline so much lately!
It seems we have plans every weekend for the next month, which is the norm in the summer. We are looking forward to seeing our nephew Jacob later this month and spending some time with him at the lake.
The pictures I included have been taken in the last few weeks. Obviously a couple are at the lake and in her pool. The one with the vacuum made me laugh because it has a back story. I said to Emaline one afternoon, "This place is a mess, you need to clean up." She promptly picked up her vacuum and gave me that big grin! The last one is of us on the hopping frog ride at SDC.
Well, Emme is waking from her nap so I'll sign off. Hope everyone else is having a great summer, enjoy the pics!