Sunday, July 19, 2009

Five Months Old Today

Emaline is five months old today and I am alternating between excitement and tears. I find that you don't understand the passage of time in the same way you did before you had a baby. In one way I feel like she has always been a part of our family, and in another I feel like she just got here yesterday. At her four month well baby visit, which was just a couple of weeks ago because it was scheduled late, Emaline weighed almost 15.5 lbs and was 25 inches long. This put her in the 75th percentile in both categories and her head circumference was in the 50th percentile. The doctor was very pleased with her growth and development, remarking on her incredible strength (especially in standing). Emme is very close to rolling over on the floor, but hasn't quite made the hurdle. She will do it on soft surfaces like the sofa or bed with very little encouragement so we do have to keep a close eye on her now. She also laughs a lot now, the dogs in particular are a real riot to her. We got her on a great roll one night this week by just saying "Ma Ma" and "Da Da" so we aren't sure that her sense of humor is too particular yet! Emme is now eating rice cereal every night at supper and seems to like it, but she is eyeballing pizza, pasta, and tacos too so she might be ready to expand her horizons. Finally, Emaline began sucking her thumb a few weeks ago. I can't decide how I feel about this, but she only does it when she is tired and it might help us get rid of the binkie so I guess I won't worry over it too much. Overall, we are all doing very well and just enjoying the summer. We took Emaline to the park again yesterday to swing and she seemed to enjoy that. I have chosen some pictures from the past week or so to display, including one with the beautiful blanket that Emaline's Grandma Jo made her. Hope you all enjoy and I will try to post again soon!

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