Friday, August 21, 2009

6 Months Old

Emaline turned one half year old this week! We got her a new ball to celebrate (which Jimmy thinks is his new toy). We went to the doctor today for her well baby visit and she tipped the scales at 17 lbs. 12 oz., which is in the 80th percentile for her age. She is now 26 inches long which is in the 75th percentile. All the nurses and doctor kept saying was how healthy Emme is. I finally asked if that was a nice way of saying she is too fat. Dr. Mai assured us that Emaline is not to chunky and that she needs the nourishment for her brain development; she made sure we understood not to put her on a diet! Since my last post Emaline has decided to resume her rolling over. I think she was a little ticked that I told the world she wouldn't do it anymore. She is also sitting very well now, but still topples after a while so we keep something behind her to absorb the shock. As always she prefers standing to any other position. She has also shown the beginning signs of creeping. In an effort to get her favorite toy she began to scoot on her belly using her arms to pull herself yesterday. As an aid in this effort, Jim and I are looking for a new rug for the living room that is a little softer to crawl around on. Emaline is still eating fruits and vegetables at supper time, with green beans being her favorite by far. Dr. Mai encouraged us to continue to add solids to her diet as she wanted them, but to make sure that the majority of her calories still came from formula. Basically, as long as she is happy taking the milk we shouldn't push other forms of calories too much. Emme got her last round of the vaccines in the newborn series today and will only be faced with one shot at her nine month appointment (flu vaccine). She did pretty well during the doctors visit and seems just fine this afternoon, showing no signs of side effects. Finally, Emaline got her first cold last Saturday and it is still hanging on. Luckily, she has been very good natured about the whole thing only crying when we suck out her nose. She didn't sleep well for the first couple of nights, but we are running the humidifier and she is doing better. The rest of the Ashley's are doing just fine, and as you can see in the photo everyone is playing well together. I think that is all for now, hope everyone is enjoying the end of the summer; and to all the teachers out there I am thinking about you. Hang in there, there can only be one first week back to school!

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