Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer fun

As usual months have flown by and busy as ever I have not made a post to catalogue our activities. This will be a feeble attempt to show a little bit of what keeps us busy.

We have alternately spent weekends here in town running around doing fun stuff and going to the lake house. Since Emaline still refuses to have her picture taken we don't have many good ones (and apparently none at the lake), but she is liking the water more and more. She has gotten more adventurous in the water swimming away from us and jumping around some.

While she will not knowingly let us take a picture of her she LOVES to take pictures and we have talked her into "taking turns" with the camera so that we can get a few. This one was taken yesterday morning while I was in the shower and she and Jimmy played.

As a side note, I had to have a conversation about privacy and appropriateness with her as she used her turn with the camera to barge in the bathroom, throw open the shower curtain and snap my pic (it was lovely).

Jimmy took off work yesterday to have an extended weekend with us so we packed in several fun activities. We went to the Rutledge-Wilson Farm park and saw the animals. Emaline kept trying feed this horse rocks that she picked up. The horse became interested at one point and I thought she might lose a finger, good grief.

Then later in the day we took her on her first trip to the bowling alley. She got set up with bumpers, but since she used the rolling ramp she really didn't need them. She had a better score than I did. Please ignore the snotty nose, we do not let her go around like this I just hated to interrupt the victory cheer with yet another nose wipe (allergies stink).

Finally, we went to Open House at preschool on Thursday night. Emaline may never want to come home again. I am not sure who is more excited about the whole experience, Emme or me.

It is so exciting to see her interact with her teachers, other kids, and the new environment. She is going to grow so much from this and have so much fun! Attending just two mornings a week will be a huge change for all of us, but I know that it will be great. This last pic was taken the day we bought her new backpack. She wanted to wear it all the time (still does some) and she pretends she is going to preschool then "comes home" and tells me what she did. What a ham...

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