Thursday, March 19, 2009

Grandpa and Grandma babysit

Emaline's Grandpa Greg and Grandma Jo came across the state for a visit this week and had a chance to babysit for me while I went to the doctor. As you can see it looks as though everyone did just fine without me! Luckily Emaline did not inflict her "Exorcist" spit up and acid reflux screams on them, so I am pretty sure that they think she is a perfect angel all the time (what a tricky little minx!) I have also posted a picture of Emaline enjoying her Boppy. She loves tummy time and often plays on the floor with me and the dogs. She also likes to use her Boppy for tummy time and do baby push ups. As you can see she gets tired after her workouts and needs to rest, ha ha! Brady insisted on getting some face time as well and thought if he sat in the Boppy I might notice him, poor guy is so neglected.

1 comment:

  1. Loving the blog posts, keep 'em coming! I totally understand what you mean about the dogs having to scoot down the totem pole in attention. Sad but true...
