Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Quick Update

Since it has been so long I thought I would share some Emme fun facts. She is now 14 months old, approx. 23 1/2 lbs., and VERY busy. Emaline loves nothing more than being outside playing with her "car" that sings or just walking around picking up rocks, sticks, etc. She understands most of the things we ask of her now which is a lot of fun. Can't wait for her to talk back a bit more. I included a picture of Emaline from Easter morning (not a great one as she was a bit cranky all day) and a picture from our recent day trip to Columbia. Jimmy participated in the "Professor for a Day" at Mizzou as he has done in previous years. Emme and I tagged along to do a little shopping, eat at Shakespeare's Pizza, and have a first campus visit for the future tiger. She was very impressed with the campus and is keeping it on her short list:)

Nothing major going on around here, just enjoying having Daddy around to play and help with chores:) Emaline is still participating in a planned activity away from home on the three weekdays that I watch her, however, storytime is on hiatus until June. I am also considering dropping open gymnastics for the summer in favor of baby yoga or swimming. Since the school age kids will be descending on the gymnasium soon it will be less appealing to Emaline and me.

Hope everyone is doing well and we'll talk to you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. Little girl is getting so big! Glad to see Mizzou is still on her short list :-). I'm sorry I have missed the last couple of times to see you guys, work has been hectic to say the least.

    Tell Miss Emaline hello for me.
